Coaches´ seminars in CTTAM with Juan Carlos Holgado and Samo Medved |

A double event addressed to the coaches of Madird took place during the weekend 2-3 of February.
On Saturday,
Holgado, FITA´s Events Director and Olympic Champion in
Barcelona 1992, analyzed the psychological and mental aspects that an archery coach has to consider in order to help his archers to confront the difficulties presented during their training and competitions.
Carlos dedicated the last part of the seminar in answering questions and resolving the doubts of the present coaches.
Medved, national coach of
Slovenia, was also present in the seminar, giving his opinion when asked.
On Sunday, it was
Medved’s turn to present his methods and ideas over the psychological preparation of the archer. In continuation, the experienced coach, explained his points of view regarding the technical aspects of shooting and regarding the archery material.
We are convinced that this double activity has served his goals and the archery coaches of
Madrid have enriched their knowledge on our sport.
We hope to see even more in the next event.